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cAcB cCcD cEcF cGcH cIcJ cKcL cMcN cOcP cQcR cScT cUcV cWcX cYcZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
u UNIQUE +circle 16
u by SATYA PAUL +circle 14, 18, 25
u ultra +circle 17
u-TURN inner wear +circle 25
ua UMANG +circle 31
ud +circle 12
uk +circle wand & stars 7, 8, 9, 12
ultra rich +circle 3
circle 41
unique VENTURES +circle 39
circle 30
united power +circle 9
united technologies +circle 3, 4, 7
upper crust +circle 30
ups ULTRA NET +circle & ova 9
urmi plastics UP +circle 10
us +circle & hands 36
uu +circle 25
v +circle 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 11, 16, 21, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 39
v +circle & oval 16, 41
v +circle & triangle 21
v +lightening & circle 9
v +lion wings & circle 12
v +triangle & circle 7
v AERO SPACE +circle 11
v CAN +circle 16
v CKD +circle 6
v FEND +circle 5
v JET +circle 23, 30, 32
v LUX +bulb & circle 11
v PEARL +circle 2
v VAALERI +face & circle 24
v VAISHNO +circle & flame 12
v VALIANT +circle 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 26, 27, 28, 30, 33, 38, 40, 41
circle 6
v VANDANA +circle 24
v VANDURGA +circle 24
v VARDHAMAN +circle 24
v VASANTA BHAVAN +circle 30
v VAULT SALON & SPA +circle 3
v VCOLLAB +circle triangle 16
v VEEDOL +wings & circle 4
v VEEGEELON +circle 24
v VEGA +circle 39
circle 9
v VENUS STEPS +circle 18, 25
v VHAP +plant circle & drop 1
v VIAGEL +circle & arrow 5
v VICHY +circle 3, 5
v VIDEO TONZS +circle 42
v VIJAYA KOHLI +circle 25
v VIJAYA grip +circle 17
v VIKAS +circle 24
v VIKRAM PHADNIS +circle 23
v VILAN +circle 25
v VIMKO +circle 24
circle 30
v VIN & VIN +circle 32
v VINDOL +circle 4
v VINTAGE SHADES +circle 18
v VIRA +circle 24
v VIRANI TELECOM +circle 41
v VISAKA +circle & arrow 3, 6
v VISAKA INDUSTRIES +circle 5, 9, 10, 12, 16, 18, 20, 24, 25, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34
v VISHCAB +circle 9
circle 16
v VIVEKA +circle & triangle 7
v VIVEKA +triangle & circle 7
v VTONES +circle 42
v pratap vikram tea +circle 30
v vintage shades +circle 25
v-TIM +monkey & circle 28
v-shakti +circle 35
v2 +circle 11
vai +circle 11
vaidyaraj piheal +circle 5
vb +circle 6
vb VITHAL BHELWALA +circle 30
vc VCOLLAB +circle triangle 9
ve MAC +circle 9
ve VIBRO +lightening circle 9
ve VIJAY +circle & triangle 9
ve VORA +circle 12
ve VORA ENTERPRISE +circle 12
vehicle & circle 35
veri profile +circle & tick 16
vf VATIKA fabrics +circle 24
vidya prabhat +stars circle 16
vidyut ZORRIK super +circle 8
vishwa +hand hut & circle 34
vision wear 2 YOU +circle 25
vj +circle 14
vl VERSALITE +circle 11
vlp video long play +circle 9
vm DHARA +circle 21
voda +circle 9
vp VIRAT +circle & oval 7
vsm V.S. METAL +circle 6
vte RATTNA +circle & arrows 25
vw KENT +circle 12
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